Accountable is built around making it easy to work together on a budget. Other members of your budget are able to access the same budget through their own Accountable account.

Sending Invitations

From the Profile tab, tap on the budget to manage it. From there, you can invite other members using their email address. If the invitee has not yet joined Accountable, they will receive an email with a link to join Accountable and will automatically join your budget. If have already joined Accountable, they will be able to accept your budget invite after logging in.

Shared Content and Privacy

By default, all budget connections, accounts, and transactions are visible to all members of the budget.

Transactions can be made private, making only the amount and applied categories visible to other budget members. Only you will be able to view the transaction description and sort the transaction. The privacy of a transaction can be controlled by tapping on the transaction and selecting 'Make Private'. Setting transactions to private is a good way to hide gift purchases while still being able to count their amount in your category totals.

Connection accounts have two privacy controls:

Balances: Hides the balance of the account
Transactions: Makes all current and future transactions in the account private

Setting both Balances and Transactions to private will hide the account entirely from other users in the budget. Account privacy controls can be found by selecting the account (either on the Period tab or through My Connections on the Profile tab).

Removing Access or Leaving

Only the creator of a budget can remove other members from a budget. This can be done by going to the Profile tab, tapping on the budget, tapping on the user, and pressing remove. Members other than the budget creator can also remove themselves from the budget by following the above steps.

When a budget member is removed from the budget, any connections they added are also removed from the budget. Accounts and transactions belonging to those connections are also removed.

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