
Transactions can be created from the Period tab, by pressing the Add Transaction button.

A manual account for transactions will be created the first time a transaction is manually added. Multiple accounts for manual transactions can be created.

Actual Date

Accountable uses the pending date of the transaction when sorting or displaying the transaction. If the pending date is not available, it falls back to the posted date. If there is a more accurate date to use for the transaction, it can be set using the ‘actual date’.

Ignore Transaction

Sometimes there are transactions that are transfers between accounts or should not be categorized. Setting the transaction to ignored will leave it out from all calculations and remove it from the unsorted transactions list.

Private Transactions

Transactions that you created or are from a connection you added can be set to private. Private transactions will not be shown to other members of the budget, but they can still have categories and their amount will be counted in any category totals.

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